Higashi School of Karate (WCRKF Honbu Dojo – International Headquarters) — est. 1962
Head Instructor: Shane Yukio Higashi (Hanshi and Saiko Shihan) Dojo Administrators: Andy Kovacs (Renshi) and Bill Moran (Shidoin) Dojo/Mailing Address: 89 Curlew Drive – Toronto, ON. M3A 2P8 Phone: 416-444-5310 National Website: www.canadianchitoryu.ca |
Burlington Chito-Ryu Karate Club — est. 1987
Head Instructor: Deborah Brooks (Shihan) Dojo Administrators: Deborah Brooks (Shihan) and Don Lawson (Shidoin) Dojo Address: 2366 Fassel Avenue – Burlington, ON. L7R 3P3 Mailing address: Deborah Brooks, 231 Guelph Line, Burlington ON. L7R 3K6 Phone: 905-379-7504 Email: burlingtonchitoryu@gmail.com Website: www.burlingtonchitoryu.com |
New Hamburg Karate Club — est. 1980
Head Instructor: Richard Hesch (Shidoin) Dojo Administrator: Richard Hesch (Shidoin) Dojo Address: Wilmot Recreation Complex, 1291 Nafziger Rd, Baden, ON. N3A 0C4 Mailing address: 18 Nithview Drive – New Hamburg, ON. N3A 2H3 Phone: 519-662-4364 Email: hesch@rogers.com Website: www.newhamburgkarate.com
Guildwood Chito-Kai Karate School — est. 1993 Head Instructor: David Chong (Renshi) Dojo Administrator: David Chong (Renshi) Dojo/Mailing Address: 11 Cromwell Road, Scarborough, ON. M1J 3N1 Phone: 416-265-8342 (home) 647-688-8342 (cell) Email: daveswchong@rogers.com |
Ottawa Chito-Kai Karate School Inc. — est. 1980
Head Instructors: Harvey Brown (Renshi) and Steve Parker (Renshi) Dojo Administrators: Harvey Brown (Renshi) and Steve Parker (Renshi) Dojo/Mailing Address: 1796 Courtwood Crescent – Ottawa, ON. K2C 2B5 Phone: 613-233-6333 Fax: 613-727-3715 Email: ottawachitokai@hotmail.com Website: www.ottawachitokai.ca |
Pickering Chito-Kai — est. 1976
Head Instructor: Dennis Golka (Jun Shidoin) Dojo Administrator: Dennis Golka (Jun Shidoin) Dojo Address: 1015 Bayly Street – Pickering, ON. L1W 1L3 Mailing Address: 71 Elizabeth Cres. Whitby ON. L1N 3R8 Email: pickeringchitokai@gmail.com Website: pickeringchitokai.wordpress.com |
Tanren Karate (Richmond Hill) — est. 2024
Technical Lead: James Ferri (Renshi) Contact: Charles Banfield (Shidoin) Dojo Address: Ed Sackfield Arena & Fitness Centre, 311 Valleymede Drive – Richmond Hill, ON. L4B 2E1 Email: charles.banfield@sympatico.ca Website: Tanren Karate Facebook Page |
University of Toronto Scarborough College Karate Club (UTSC) — est. 1968
Head Instructor: Martin Sisler (Renshi) Dojo Administrator: Martin Sisler (Renshi) Dojo Address: Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre, 875 Morningside Avenue – Toronto, ON. M1C 0C7 (care of University of Toronto Scarborough College) contact Martin Sisler for drop-in information. Email: martin.sisler@utoronto.ca Website: University of Toronto Scarborough College Karate Club (UTSC) |