Sensei Shane Yukio Higashi – Hanshi, 10th Dan (WCRKF Saiko Shihan)


The Chito-Ryu Association of Ontario (founded in 1986), is operated under the guidance of Sensei Shane Yukio Higashi – Hanshi, 10th Dan and his appointed Provincial Technical Director (and Technical Committee respectively).

Aside from his duties as the active head instructor for the Honbu Dojo (Higashi School of Karate) in Toronto (founded in 1962), Sensei Higashi is the Saiko Shihan (Supreme Instructor) for the Canadian Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Association (CCRKA) and the World Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (WCRKF).  Sensei Higashi is also the Karate Canada Technical Committee Chair.

Sensei Higashi was recently awarded his 10th Dan from Karate Canada. This honour has only been bestowed on one other individual; Sensei Higashi’s main instructor, O Sensei – Masami Tsuruoka (the Father of Canadian Karate). All Chito-Ryu members congratulate Sensei Higashi on this incredible honour. This promotion validates how fortunate we all are to have Sensei Higashi’s leadership.

For an overview of Sensei Higashi’s role in the development of karate in Canada and around the globe, visit this URL: