CRAO Monthly Yudansha Clinics

CRAO Yudansha Clinic Information


  • Location:  Higashi School of Karate (Honbu Dojo)  89 Curlew Drive, Toronto, ON.
  • Instructor Development Clinic:  8:30am – 10:00am
    • (first Sunday of every month – unless a holiday weekend or conflicting event occurs – CHECK OUR EVENT CALENDAR!)
  • Yudansha Clinic: 10:00am – 12:00pm
    • (first Sunday of every month – unless a holiday weekend or conflicting event occurs – CHECK OUR EVENT CALENDAR!)
  • Clinic Fees:  Costs are available from your Dojo Head, CRAO Executive Board member, or a CRAO senior instructor


Yudansha Clinic Descriptions


Instructor Development Clinic:

These clinics, led by Sensei Andy Kovacs (Member of the CRAO Technical Committee and CCRKDA Secretary) are geared towards those who wish to become certified Chito-Ryu Instructors and for those who have already become certified.  These clinics explore deeper aspects of Chito-Ryu karate training and are intended to expand one’s thinking regarding the basic Chito-Ryu syllabus.

Attendees must be ranked as 2ND DAN or above.



Yudansha Clinic:

These clinics, led by the CRAO Technical Committee (with assistance from Renshi/Shihan instructors) and are in place to allow members to train with the most senior and currently active instructors in Ontario as well as train alongside other provincial members. This interaction will broaden one’s experiences in their Chito-Ryu karate training.

Though not the sole focus; these clinics give the CRAO Technical Committee a chance to work with and guide members preparing for upcoming Yudansha Evaluations and Gradings.

It is important to regularly attend these clinics to keep current with Chito-Ryu karate standards and to support the CRAO Technical Committee and the Chito-Ryu style as a whole.

Attendees must be ranked as FULL BROWN BELT or above.



Referee Clinic:

These clinics, led by the CRAO Referee Committee, are geared towards developing membership officiating skills and knowledge.  Those who have greater experience receive more focused/personal attention.  These clinics usually occur in the months leading up to a CRAO provincial tournament or CCRKDA Bogu Cup.  All students who attend Yudansha clinics should participate in these special clinics; they are about giving back to the CRAO and its membership, especially if one is a black belt member.

Attendees must be ranked as FULL BROWN BELT or above.